Skrypuch, Marsha Forchuk (Brantford ON)

 Writers Union Member. Fiction & NF, 2X Silver Birch winner, 2x Red Cedar Winner, Yellow Cedar Winner. Multi awards. All ages. $400 plus HST for 1 session, $650 for 2, $900 for 3 and $1100 for 4, + travel (.68 cents per kilometer, round-trip for SW ON).

Virtual Visits: $300 plus HST, for one session, 20-60 minutes, $200 for each additional session on the same day.

Continue reading “Skrypuch, Marsha Forchuk (Brantford ON)”

Hohn, Nadia (Toronto)

The Writers Union member. Picture book. All ages. $350 for 1 session (60 min) $ 600 for 2 sessions of 60 minutes (1/2 day)$ 400 for 2 x 30 minute sessions (great for JK to 1). Full day (4 sessions) $ 1000. + kilometrage. Can present in English and French.

Malaika’s Costume (2016) and Malaika’s Winter Carnival (2017).

Continue reading “Hohn, Nadia (Toronto)”

Carmichael, LE PhD (Trenton, ON)


Writers’ Union Member. Multi-award-winning author of more than 20 books for kids and teens.

Fees for on-site visits: $350 + HST for up to one hour, $600 + HST half day, $900 + HST full day (4 hours). Travel and/or accommodation fees may also apply. Fees for virtual visits: $300 + HST for up to 1 hour, $200 + HST for each additional presentation on the same day, to a maximum of 4 hours.

Surprising facts, engaging stories, and her willingness to answer just one more question set Lindsey’s science programs apart. And her workshops make even the most reluctant young writers excited to express themselves.

Polar won the 2025 Lane Anderson Award and the SWCC Award


What Is a Forest For? Introducing the Boreal Forest | Grades 1-3 | Duration: 45 min | Curriculum Connections: biodiversity, photosynthesis, biomes, habitats, the boreal forest, climate change

The boreal forest is the largest, most northern forest in the world… and 29 percent of it is right here in Canada! This introduction to the boreal biome will help kids understand why forests matter. We’ll explore biodiversity with a look at some weird and wonderful animals that call the boreal forest home. During a movement activity, we’ll discuss photosynthesis and how it helps forests prevent climate change.

This high-energy program is designed to captivate young learners, and includes plenty of time to answer questions.

Surviving ‘til Spring: Animal Adaptations in the Boreal Forest | Grades 4-6 | Duration: 60 min | Curriculum Connections: biodiversity, animals, biomes, the boreal forest, adaptations, migration

In the world’s most northern forest, where snow cover lasts up to 10 months, boreal animals use a wide range of adaptations to survive until spring! During this interactive presentation, students will brainstorm a list of well-known boreal animals. A reading from The Boreal Forest introduces some of the biome’s more unusual occupants; from the reading, students will identify popular adaptations that get these critters through the cold. We’ll round out our discussion with two extreme adaptations that are sure to get students talking!

Packed with engaging, high-interest examples, this program encourages critical thinking and leaves plenty of time for questions.

(Ant)Arctic Adaptations: Wildlife at the Ends of the Earth | Grades 4-6 | Duration: 60 min | Curriculum Connections: biodiversity, biomes, polar regions, adaptations, life cycles, climate change

The polar regions are bitterly cold, freeze-dried wildernesses, where the wind can blow harder than hurricanes. They are also the only places on Earth where day—and night—last up to six months. And yet, many animals not only survive in these extreme environments, they thrive!

After a brief introduction to the Arctic and Antarctica, kids will be asked to brainstorm a list of polar species. We’ll discuss the adaptations that help their favourite animals stay warm, find food, and raise their babies, all in two of the harshest habitats on the planet. Then, we’ll explore the surprising adaptations of some less-familiar species… including one that protects itself with projectile vomit! 

Packed with stunning visuals and surprising facts, this lively presentation features deleted scenes from PolarWildlife at the Ends of the Earth.

Ocean Migrations: Over the Ice and Under the Sea | Grades 4-6 | Duration: 60 min | Curriculum Connections: animals, oceans, polar regions, migration, life cycles, climate change

What do humpback whales, northern wolves and arctic foxes have in common? Their life cycles all include migration. In this deep dive into animal migration, we’ll define three different types of migration, and meet Arctic animals that use each type. Whether over the ice or under the sea, each migration depends upon the world’s oceans. We’ll finish by discussing potential impacts of global climate change on wildlife migration.

Drawing on Lindsey’s PhD research and her book Polar: Wildlife at the Ends of the Earth, this presentation is the perfect ending to any elementary science migration unit.

Boreal Brake: The Carbon Cycle and Climate Change | Grades 9-12 | Duration: 60 min | Curriculum Connections:  the carbon cycle, the boreal forest, climate change, positive feedbacks, conservation, activism

The boreal forest provides habitat for countless fish and birds and mammals—including humans! By drawing CO2 out of the air, the forest’s plants and trees also slow down climate change. In this presentation, we’ll cover the stages of the carbon cycle in the context of the boreal forest and the polar regions, discovering how regional events connect to global processes.  After discussing the impacts of climate change on life in northern ecosystems, students will explore simple, research-based strategies they can use to reduce their carbon footprints, influence climate policy, and preserve these vast Canadian wildernesses for future generations.

Rooted in science, this program empowers students to take meaningful action in uncertain times.


What’s Your Book About? How to Decide What to Leave Out | Grades 4-6 | Duration: 60 min

Tell people you’re a writer, and they’ll probably ask “What’s your book about?” But before we can tell other people, we have to be able to tell ourselves. Knowing what our book, story, article, or report is really about lets us research efficiently, revise strategically, and avoid time-consuming tangents… producing a final draft that’s concise, cohesive, and effective. In this presentation, I’ll share the coolest animal facts that aren’t in The Boreal Forest, and explain exactly why I cut them. Then, we’ll walk through each draft of the book’s opening scene, exploring the step-by-step-decision-making process of revision.

Throughout the program, two-minute writing challenges give participants a chance to apply revision strategies to their own work. Designed to get writers excited about re-writing, this program can be adapted for elementary, middle, high school, or adult audiences.

Writing Down the Feels | Grades 7-12 | Duration: 60 minutes or full day

Why do we forget some stories, while others stay with us for years? Be they fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, stories with staying power are the ones that make us feel. This workshop explores the connections between language and emotions, teaching writers how to manipulate their reader’s response. Writers will harness the emotional resonance of vivid words and figures of speech, making their readers laugh, cry, and remember their words forever.

This program can be adapted for elementary, middle, high school, or adult audiences. It’s available as a 60-minute session, or as a full-day workshop in which participants apply these techniques to a new piece of writing

Note: To allow each student to receive personalized feedback, the full day version of this workshop is capped at 20 participants.


For on-site visits, hosts must provide an LCD projector and screen for slideshows. Depending on program and audience size, speakers (for video), whiteboards, and a microphone may also be required. Contact Lindsey for details.

For virtual visits, Lindsey can present in Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and YouTube Live. She can accommodate schedules in a range of time zones.

Contact Lindsey for a visit:

    Sherrard, Valerie (Miramichi NB)

    Valerie Sherrard

    GG nominated, award-winning author. Valerie Sherrard has been named the 2024 Literary Arts Laureate of the New Brunswick Lieutenant Governor’s Award for High Achievement in the Arts.

    Virtual Visit: $225.00 for a 60 minute presentation.

    In school visits: $300 for a single presentation or $550 for two at one location. Full day workshop 700.00.  Expenses are included in all fees. For in-school visit dates — please contact Valerie and she will let you know when she plans to be in Ontario.

    Valerie is an experienced presenter (in-person and virtual visits) who uses humour and an interactive style to engage her audience. Feedback from her school and library visits has been enthusiastic.

    Birdspell Corbin Hayes is used to being alone. His mom’s illness means lost jobs, constant moves, new schools and friendships that never get to grow. So, when a classmate offers Corbin the talking bird she can no longer keep, he sees a chance to fill the gap in his life. But when things begin to spiral out of control, Corbin can no longer cope. At his lowest moment, he’s forced to do the one thing he fears the most. Young Adult.

    Finding Avalon  Avalon Monday doesn’t mind telling schoolmates that her mother ran off with a guy she met on the internet. After all, that’s way less embarrassing than the truth. But when the past collides with the present, exposing her secret and threatening to leave her new life in ruins, Avalon discovers there are some things you can never truly leave behind.

    Cooper Clark and the Dragon Lady  (Chapter Book) Desperate measures are called for when a boy is secretly afraid of dragons, but his new babysitter is rumoured to have a dragon in her basement!

    Presentations: I will present to grades 1 – 9. A signed bookmark or postcard will be provided for each student at all in-person presentations.

    Grades 1 – 3: There’s a COW Under My Bed! or Down Here! Fun and interactive talk about expressions and language, and students’ own creative abilities. Reading with audience participation. I end with a short Q & A. For these grades you may book two half hour presentations in the place of a single 60 minute session if you prefer.

    Middle Grades: Engaging interactive presentation on literacy, with or without issue-based segments depending on the book being presented. I end with a short reading and about 10 minutes for Q & A.

    Young Adult: Engaging and interactive presentation on literacy, believing in oneself and a variety of writing or issue related topics, depending on the requested focus. I end with a short reading and about 10 minutes for Q & A.

    Workshop for grades 6 and up: A Story’s Voice. This full day workshop is designed to help young people develop distinctive voices in their writing by examining the way character, setting, perspective, dialogue, tense etc. impact in telling a story. Writing exercises will demonstrate how each of these support a story in different ways, and help them to recognize which components will work best for their stories. Limited to 15 participants. Available virtually – contact to discuss a suitable arrangement.

    I am flexible on audience size but in my experience, smaller in-person groups result in the greatest benefit to students. I am comfortable in all settings, including classroom, library, auditorium or gymnasium.

    A sound system may be necessary depending on audience size, acoustics and the number of presentations booked.

    Contact Valerie:

      McKay, Sharon (Burlington ON)

      Writers’ Union Member. Sharon travels across Canada several times a year. Sharon E. McKay (Mick-EYE) writes fact-based fiction for young adults. Multi-awards, all ages.

      Flat fee of $900 for a full day, four sessions and includes a free (optional) brown-bag lunch for anyone interested in writing. Flat fee of $600 for an afternoon. Parents and media are welcome in all sessions.

      Virtual Visits: $150, 60 minutes, Skype. Continue reading “McKay, Sharon (Burlington ON)”

      Boudreau, Hélène (Markham ON)

      Not available for bookings at this time. Writers’ Union Member. Parents’ Choice Award. Fiction. Non-Fiction. Humour. Picture Book. Middle Grade. Tween. K to 8. Hélène’s rate is $250 for one 45-60 min session, $450 for 2, $650 for 3, $850 for 4 (max 4 per day), plus travel by car. HST extra. Continue reading “Boudreau, Hélène (Markham ON)”

      Winters, Kari-Lynn (St. Catharines)

      St. Catharines. Writers’ Union Member. World traveling picture book and non-fiction author, storyteller, and performer. $375.00 for one session (50-55 min), $600.00 2nd 50-55 min session, $850.00 3rd 50-55 min session, $1000.00 4th 50-55 min session. 30 min. sessions for kindergarten are $175.00 when booked with at least of one full 55 min session + return travel to St. Catharines.
      Continue reading “Winters, Kari-Lynn (St. Catharines)”