Member of Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Performers (CANSCAIP); Children’s Writers & Illustrators of BC Society (CWILL-BC); and Canadian Children’s Book Centre (CCBC). Fiction and non-fiction, 2X Word Award winner, CBC Kids Book Club Pick, OLA Best Bets, MYRCA finalist, Arthur Ellis finalist, 2X Chocolate Lily finalist.
Karen is the author of 11 books for young readers, with her newest disability-inclusive picture book called PLAYDATE SURPRISE and in French UNE SURPRISE MERVEILLEUSE.
- January 29, 2025: Karen is available for a school author visit in Brampton or Toronto.
- January 30, 2025: OLA Super Conference CANSCAIP Book Tasting (10:30-11:25 am) Karen will present PLAYDATE SURPRISE.
- January 31, 2025: OLA Super Conference book signing of PLAYDATE SURPRISE and UNE SURPRISE MERVEILLEUSE with illustrator Laura Watson at 11 am at Scholastic Canada booth #211.
- May 5-9, 2025: Karen is available for author visits to schools in Saanich and Victoria, BC.
JK-Grade 6. $300 for 1 session, $500 for 2, $700 for 3 and $900 for 4, maximum 4 sessions per day, + travel and lodging if outside of the Okanagan Valley, BC, unless otherwise stated.
Virtual Visits: $250 for 1 session, $200 for each additional session on the same day; via Zoom or other preferred online platform; support personnel (to moderate and manage technical aspects)
Karen is an experienced presenter who welcomes the opportunity to talk about the writing process and share her passion for researching and writing. Each of her five interactive presentations is tailored to one or more of her picture books, middle-grade novels and narrative non-fiction. Karen reveals the inspiration behind the book(s), explores relevant book-related topics, uses props and Power-Point, and includes a reading followed by time for Q&A.

JK to 3: I CAN, TOO! & PLAYDATE SURPRISE: Disabilities, Inclusion and Friendship based on picture books I CAN, TOO! and PLAYDATE SURPRISE: play, accessibility, adaptive equipment, movement, sports, inclusive playground
2 to 5: Kah-Lan: Sea Otters and a Thriving Ocean based on chapter books KAH-LAN THE ADVENTUROUS SEA OTTER and KAH-LAN AND THE STINK-INK: sea otters, ocean, adventure, survival, oil spill, marine mammal rescue
3 to 6: MAKING SEAKER: Writing and STEAM topics based on middle-grade contemporary novel MAKING SEAKER: new girl, science, technology, trackable model boat, Nipigon, Great Lakes, Paddle-to-the-Sea, self-realization, acceptance, friendship
3 to 6: Growing Up in Wild Horse Canyon: Exploring Centuries of History based on narrative non-fiction picture book GROWING UP IN WILD HORSE CANYON set in the Okanagan Valley, BC, covering Indigenous content (Syilx Okanagan, Nsyilxcən language, First Nation quest, history, culture), wild horses, fur brigade, settlers, railway, secret wartime commando training, firestorm
4 to 6: Bringing Canadian History Alive based on middle-grade historical novels SECOND WATCH, SAARA’S PASSAGE, and SABOTAGE: Canadian home front during World War I, living in 1914-1915 in Northwestern Ontario, First World War, shipwreck of Empress of Ireland in St. Lawrence River, tuberculosis, sanatoriums, spies, sabotage, internment camps; Finnish immigrant family dynamics
Maximum group size: To promote interaction during in-person presentations, Karen prefers to meet with smaller groups, so a maximum of three classes.
Venue: Library or classroom preferred
Equipment Required: A table to hold presentation materials; a screen, computer and projector for displaying PowerPoint presentation from a USB drive; a microphone if the venue is not the library or classroom; lunch (egg salad sandwich on brown bread) if she is staying for the day.
Please note: Her surname is pronounced like Audio with a soft T.