Why do professional authors and illustrators charge fees?

Professional authors and illustrators make their living from their books. School and library reading fees are a significant part of their income. By hosting author and illustrator readings, you help promote Canadian literature.

What’s the point of an author/illustrator visit?

Students benefit meeting real live authors and illustrators. It helps them realize that regular people wrote the books they love. It is also superb for patterning and mentoring. Librarians tell us that books fly off the shelves after an author or illustrator has visited.

Why do some presenters charge more than others?

New authors charge less because they are just breaking in. They don’t have the same name recognition and so often get fewer requests. Experienced authors charge more because they are in demand due to their longer publishing list, nominations, and awards. What they bring to presentations is fresh and contagious enthusiasm. For a school or library on a tight budget, a fresh new author is a great choice.

How do I select an author or illustrator?

Consider the following: What grade level do you want an author or illustrator for? Do you have specific dates in mind? What is your budget? How many sessions are you looking for? Now, take a look at our presenters.

How do I prepare my class for an author visit?

1. Tell your students ahead of time about the visit. 2. Make books by this author or illustrator available to you students so they can read some before the visit. 3. Encourage your students to research the author or illustrator. 4. Do projects about a specific work. By doing the above, you ensure that your students are familiar with the author and excited about the visit. You also ensure that the questions they ask are value-added.

What should the teacher do doing an author visit?

As the hosting teacher, make sure that the author has everything set up the way they’re requested. For example, is there a bottle of water handy, a chair, a table? Does the author require a microphone? Are the students arranged in the manner requested? Once everything is set up and the students are assembled, briefly introduce the author and then sit down and enjoy the presentation with your students.

Here are a few do’s and don’ts:

* do listen and enjoy * do keep an eye on your students *do participate in the Q&A session * do keep an eye on the clock and motion to the author when there are five minutes before finish time * do pay the author either just before or just after the presentation * don’t mark papers or stamp books at the back of the room * don’t whisper with a colleague at the back of the room * don’t leave the room.

What follow-up activities can I do?

The connection the author has made with students lasts long after the presentation has ended: * Display the creator’s books in the days following the visit. * Use the creator’s books in a teaching unit. * Develop writing or art projects after the visit. * Ask your students for feedback on the visit. * Have your students write to the creator, either by Canada Post or by email.

Can students purchase autographed books?

Some authors and illustrators can bring books. Ask ahead of time. Get a list of titles and pricing. Make up a flyer and send it home with your students. Collect the money ahead of time to avoid a frenzy at the end of the talk.

Can I get discounted (or free) books from the author/illustrator?

Authors and illustrators purchase their own books from their publishers for a price similar to what bookstores pay. It puts authors in an awkward situation when they are asked to donate or discount books. As a rule, authors charge the list price for books, rounding the price up to factor in GST and for ease in change-making. For example, a book that sells for $15.95 in a store would be sold by the author for $17. On occasion, an author may have out-of-print titles that they have purchased at a reduced price and they pass these savings on when selling.