Member of Editors Canada, CANSCAIP, and the Writers’ Union of Canada. School-age presentations are available for grades K–5 (author talks) or grades 5–8 (workshops). Custom presentations and workshops for adults or older students are also available.
In-person presentations (45–60 minutes; max. 4 per day): $300 for 1 session; $250 for each additional session. For kindergarten, one session can be divided into two 25- to 30-minute presentations.
Virtual presentations (45–60 minutes; max. 2 per day): $200 per session. For kindergarten, one session can be divided into two 20- to 25-minute presentations.
Writing workshops (2 hours): $500 per session.
NOTE: HST applies to all sessions; mileage of $0.55/km applies for visits more than 25 km from London, Ontario.
Laura Bontje is a freelance fiction editor and children’s book author who writes stories that celebrate childhood curiosity, language, and STEM. A former teacher, Laura brings her experience in English and ESL classrooms to her presentations with students. Her first book, Was It a Cat I Saw? (Amicus Ink; illustrated by Emma Lidia Squillari), was released in 2024. Her second, When the Air Sang (Annick Press; illustrated by Sarah Whang), comes out on April 8, 2025, with more to come! Laura was raised in Calgary, Alberta, and now lives in London, Ontario.

Author visits include a reading of one picture book, as well as time for Q&A. (Teacher tip: consider brainstorming some general questions with the class in advance!) Sessions can be customized to touch on themes that students are learning about in school. In addition to an introduction to the author and the writing and editing process, presentations may include the following:
Was It a Cat I Saw? for kindergarten: interactive explanation of simple palindromes, seek-and-find in illustrations during read-aloud
Was It a Cat I Saw? for grades 1–4: interactive introduction to more complex palindromes and figurative language; importance of rough copies and revision in text and art
When the Air Sang for kindergarten [available after April 8, 2025]: interactive explanation of insects vs. bugs, comparison of the human and insect life cycle
When the Air Sang for grades 1–4 [available after April 8, 2025]: introduction to annual vs. periodical cicadas, interactive brainstorming or game about identifying traces and traits of animals
Writing workshops for grades 5–8: How do you get from idea to character to plot? Through a mix of discussion, examples, and writing prompts, Laura will guide students through the process of creating a story arc with clear stakes and understanding how each writer’s unique voice and imagination can lead to a variety of creative outcomes.
Presentations for adults: From conference sessions to writers’ group visits, Laura is happy to customize presentations or workshops to suit the needs of your group! Reach out any time to discuss the possibilities.
Laura can present to groups of any size, but the presentation style may vary according to the logistics of the group size and the space. Book orders and signings may be possible as part of the visit; contact Laura to discuss details.
School presentation requirements: a screen and projector for PowerPoint (please notify Laura of technical needs for plugging in to the system), a microphone for presentations in gyms. Students can be seated at desks or on the floor.
Workshop requirements: a whiteboard and paper flip-chart are preferred (along with markers), but if only one is available, that will still work. Seating that allows for collaboration in partners or small groups is ideal. Students will need paper and writing utensils.