Miskonoodinkwe Smith, Christine (Toronto, ON)

Miskonoodinkwe Smith, Christine

Indigenous Editor’s Association, longlisted for the First Nations Community Reads Program, ANDPVA National Signature Online Event 2022.

Presentation Rates: 250.00 for one session, $450.00 for two, $675.00 for three, $1,000 for full day. Travel fee $.50/km if outside of Toronto. I don’t drive and would require funding for train or bus, plus Uber if available.

Virtual Visit Fees range from $200-$250

Christine Miskonoodinkwe-Smith- is a Saulteaux woman from Peguis First Nation and the author of “These Are the Stories: Memories of a 60s Scoop Survivor”. She is an author, editor, writer, and journalist who graduated from the University of Toronto with a specialization in Aboriginal Studies in June 2011 and went on to receive her Master’s in Education in Social Justice in June 2017. Her first non-fiction story “Choosing the Path to Healing” appeared in the 2006 anthology Growing Up Girl: An Anthology of Voices from Marginalized Spaces. She has written for the Native Canadian, Anishinabek News, Windspeaker, FNH Magazine, New Tribe Magazine, Muskrat Magazine and the Piker Press. She has also co-edited the anthology Bawaajigan with fellow Indigenous writer Nathan Niigan Noodin Adler.


Readings, Talks on Healing, Writing

Preferred Venues- small spaces, libraries, café’s etc

Preferred Audience Size-10-25 people, more if comfortable

Tech requirements- microphone, sound system

Contact Chrissy Miskonoodinkwe Smith:

    Withers, Pam

    Writers’ Union Member. Red Maple nominee 2013, 2019 and 2020. YA. Silver Nautilus Book Award 2012. Numerous other award nominations. $225 virtual visit with Pam, co-author Arooj Hayat*, or both; $300 for one session, $500 for two, $700 for three. No HST; includes all expenses. No maximum audience size. Occasional pickup/drop-off requested.

    Writers’ Union Member. Chocolate Lily nominee 2024. Red Maple nominee 2013, 2019 and 2020. Silver Nautilus Book Award 2012 and 2020. $225 virtual visit; $300 for one session, $500 for two, $700 for three. No HST; includes all expenses. No maximum audience size. Occasional pickup/drop-off requested.


    Latest release: Cave-In (Sept. 2024). Pam has written 23 best-selling YA sports and outdoor adventure novels particularly popular with teen boys. A former journalist, editor and outdoor guide, she’s a high-energy, humorous presenter who tours extensively. Just ask when she’s next in your area.

    Silver Nautilus Book Award 2012
    Silver Nautilus Book Award 2012 and 2020

    Pam has written 21 best-selling YA sports and outdoor adventure books particularly popular with teen boys. A former journalist, editor and outdoor guide who has kayaked the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, she’s a sought-after speaker for her high-energy, humorous presentations. She has presented extensively across North America for 30 years. The Parkour Club (written by Pam and co-author Arooj Hayat*), promotes cultural diversity and counters Islamophobia (while being a nail-biting sports and adventure story). One Egyptian YA book reviewer wrote, “a story for the whole world to read and learn from.”

    Her lively one-hour presentation for grades 4-12 includes:
     Short readings
     Tales of her own adventures
     Humorous anecdotes of how she researches her material
     The patience & persistence it takes to achieve success
     Special encouragement to boys
     The importance of rewriting & accepting criticism
     Tips on writing & getting published
     Extreme-sports video clips
     Q & A time

    Writing workshop: Pam also offers a fun, one-hour interactive workshop on doing research to make your writing more real.

    Equipment required for in-person visits: Projector and laptop for my USB flash drive; table and water.

    Contact Pam to book a visit:

      Hohn, Nadia (Toronto)

      The Writers Union member. Picture book. All ages. $350 for 1 session (60 min) $ 600 for 2 sessions of 60 minutes (1/2 day)$ 400 for 2 x 30 minute sessions (great for JK to 1). Full day (4 sessions) $ 1000. + kilometrage. Can present in English and French.

      Malaika’s Costume (2016) and Malaika’s Winter Carnival (2017).

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