Crawley, Oksanna (Brampton, ON)

CANSCAIP and SCBWI member. Author/Illustrator of picture books, early reader books. Available for virtual presentations or in-person presentations for grades K-8. Oksanna lives in Brampton, Ontario.

Virtual presentation (30 minutes or 1 hour) $100.00

In-person presentation (1- 2 hours)  $250.00 (ability to project images from author’s laptop, prefers one or two classes)

Oksanna is the co-author and illustrator of the picture book, PIRATE GLITTERBEARD, published by Rebel Mountain Press.

“My class giggled with delight as I read this book to them. They loved the whimsical characters and the vibrant pictures. Pirate Glitterbeard breaks down all the stereotypes of how a pirate should act and look. This book should definitely be on the shelves of EVERY classroom. Highly recommended.” ~Karen Williams teacher/librarian

Oksanna has also written a non-fiction book for children about her favourite Canadian artist, Tom Thomson, which will be published in 2024 by Fitzhenry and Whiteside.

A series of over 30 books for early readers, SUPER HAMMY’S ADVENTURES, which she wrote and illustrated is available from Blueberry Hill Books.

Oksanna is a retired teacher and would be happy to tailor her presentation to the needs of your students. She loves to talk about how a book comes to life from idea to final product, how to approach illustrating a picture book from thumbnail sketch to final illustration, how to construct or plot a story, how to write a non-fiction book, etc.

School Presentations include a PowerPoint presentation

Contact Oksanna to book a visit:

    McLeod, Cinders (Toronto)

    Writers’ Union Member. Now doing virtual visits only: $200 for one 60 minute session, $350 for 2, $525 for 3, $675 for 4. Maximum 4
    sessions per day. JK to SK: two 30-minute sessions for the price of 1.

    Cinders presents to JK to Grade 3. Single class size is best for discussion, but Cinders is flexible.

    Author-illustrator of the Moneybunnies financial literacy for young children series, published by Penguin N.Y. She is also a well known human rights cartoonist and musician. Cinders has 20 years’ experience in Canadian and British books and newspapers, is the creator of the 8-year-old Broomie Law cartoon and one of the few published, women political cartoonists in the world. She is also an experienced performer (singer, songwriter, double bassist with a record on Billy Bragg’s label) and cartoon workshop presenter. She wrote and illustrated EARN IT! SPEND IT! SAVE IT! and GIVE IT! for ages 3- 8 because it’s never too early to teach children about money. The Moneybunnies series is popular with STEM educators.

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