McLeod, Cinders (Toronto)

Writers’ Union Member. Now doing virtual visits only: $200 for one 60 minute session, $350 for 2, $525 for 3, $675 for 4. Maximum 4
sessions per day. JK to SK: two 30-minute sessions for the price of 1.

Cinders presents to JK to Grade 3. Single class size is best for discussion, but Cinders is flexible.

Author-illustrator of the Moneybunnies financial literacy for young children series, published by Penguin N.Y. She is also a well known human rights cartoonist and musician. Cinders has 20 years’ experience in Canadian and British books and newspapers, is the creator of the 8-year-old Broomie Law cartoon and one of the few published, women political cartoonists in the world. She is also an experienced performer (singer, songwriter, double bassist with a record on Billy Bragg’s label) and cartoon workshop presenter. She wrote and illustrated EARN IT! SPEND IT! SAVE IT! and GIVE IT! for ages 3- 8 because it’s never too early to teach children about money. The Moneybunnies series is popular with STEM educators.

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Messier, Mireille (Toronto, ON – as of Nov – Nova Scotia -Annapolis Royal)

Writers’ Union Member. French/English author. Picture books. Great for immersion students! K to 6.

✨Hello Nova Scotia✨

Mireille’s rate for a 45/50-minute virtual presentation is $250 for 1-5 classes, $350 for 6-10 classes and $450 for 11+ classes. HST extra. Please note that presentations may not be recorded for later use or shared.

Mireille has a picture book ideal for Remembrance Day with students in grades 1-6! Contact her about presenting “Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the Goat Who Went to War” at your school or event! (available in English or French)

Mireille can present “Treasure”/ “Trésor”, “The Branch” / “Ma branche préférée” and “Fatima and the Clementine Thieves/Fatima et les voleurs de clémentines” ans “La magie de Casse-Noisette”/ “Nutcracker Night” in either English or French or both.

Mireille also has many books that are published in French only and range in genre – from picture books, to chapter books and non-fiction. She enjoys presenting to immersion students and offers lively presentations that are tailored to the language level of the students.

School presentations will include a reading of the selected book, an activity based on the theme of the book and a discussion with the author about her craft.

Available in French or English/French (bilingual) Mireille is a member of The Writers’ Union of Canada, and so schools wishing to invite her may be eligible for a travel and fee subsidy to off-set the cost of her visit.

Here is an example of her presentations by grade:

JK to 1: two 30-minute sessions for the price of one full session using her book “Quel fouillis!” (includes a tool-related activity and a song) or “Une Bestiole à l’école” (includes an insect-related activity and a song).

Grade 1 to 4: The majority of Mireille’s books are for this age group. 45 to 60 minutes: Session featuring a book of your choice plus a related activity followed by a Q&A on topic/book selected.

Themes available: Remembrance Day/World War I/ World War II/Military Mascot (Sergeant Billy), Environmental conservation (Treasure/Trésor), Environment/Weather (The Branch/Ma branche préférée), Nature/Animals (Tellement Sauvage), Travel/Geography (Charlotte partout), Non-Violent Conflict Resolution (Fatima), Anagrams/Word Play (Voilier d’Olivier/Quand les zéros), Food/Cooking (Salade de César), Sports (Charlotte Olympique)…

Grade 4 to 6: 45 to 60 minutes. Session featuring a book of your choice plus a related activity followed by a Q&A on topic/book selected. Books available for this level are “Fatima et les voleurs de clémentines” (advanced picture book) and the middle-grade chapter books from Les aventures de Viviane et Simon series.

Contact Mireille to book a visit:

    Fernandez, Caroline (Toronto, ON)

    Writer’s Union member. CANSCAIP. SCWBI. Silver Birch Non-Fiction Honour Book Award 2016.

    Rates – in person: $300 for one session and $150 for additional sessions. Virtual visits: $150 per session (with negotiation for size of audience and recording permissions). Travel outside of Toronto: 59.0 cents/km.

    Caroline Fernandez loves to write children’s books for curious kids. She’s won awards for her fantastic stories, like the exciting chapter book series “Asha and Baz” which highlights real-life historical women in STEM. She has written numerous picture books including; “Hide And Seek: Wild Animal Groups in North America” and “The Adventures of Grandmasaurus” (series) and “Stop Reading This Book“. For those looking for a big adventure, her middle-grade historical novel “Plague Thieves” is now out. Caroline is an enthusiastic presenter who encourages interaction during visits.

    • Asha and Baz Meet Elizebeth Friedman is a 2024 Next Generation Indie Award finalist
    • Asha and Baz Meet Mary Sherman Morgan is a 2023 Next Generation Indie Award Finalist and TD Summer Reading Club Recommended Read.
    • Asha and Baz Meet Hedy Lamar is a 2023 Purple Dragonfly winner
    • The Adventures of Grandmasaurus is a 2021 Purple Dragonfly winner
    • Boredom Busters is a 2015 Forest of Reading Silver Birch honour book award winner

    Presentations by Grades

    All presentations include a reading, engaging activities, and author Q & A. Caroline is happy to work with teachers and librarians to develop a need-specific presentation, but here are some examples:

    Middle Grade (60 minutes)

    • Plague Thieves

    Reading of Plague Thieves. Then, discussion of inspiration, brainstorming, researching, writing, revision, and editing of this historic middle grade novel. Discussion on the challenges of incorporating real facts into middle grade historical fiction.

    Themes: middle grade books, writing and editing, research, historical fiction, geography, history, pandemics, urbanization, STEM in renaissance times Vs modern times, types of story conflict in books.

    Grades JK-6 (60 minutes)

    Asha and Baz series (chapter book series)

    • Asha and Baz Meet Mary Sherman Morgan
    • Asha and Baz Meet Hedy Lamarr
    • Asha and Baz Meet Elizebeth Friedman
    • Asha and Baz Meet Katia Krafft

    In the Asha and Baz series, two children are faced with a STEM challenge in school. They time travel to meet a women in history who has made a significant discovery which relates back to their school challenge. They learn about the woman, her time, and her STEM genre. Then, they travel back to their time and apply what they learn to their class challenge. Each of the STEM challenges can be reproduced as an activity at home or in class using simple materials.

    Themes: science and technology, women in science, history, biography, space, STEM, gender equality, early reader chapter book

    • Hide and Seek: Wild Animal Groups in North America (picture book)

    Themes: collective nouns, animals, migration of monarch butterfly, North America, finding one’s place, inclusivity, Earth Day, Earth Month, picture book

    • Stop Reading This Book (picture book)

    The book judges the reader by their cover. Would you….could you stop reading this book?!

    Themes: antagonists, protagonists, conflict, resolution, picture book, diversity, bullying, reading, picture book

    The Adventures of Grandmasaurus (picture book series)

    • The Adventures of Grandmasaurus
    • The Adventures of Grandmasaurus At the Aquarium Rescue Centre
    • The Adventures of Grandmasaurus At the Supermarket

    Grandma sneezes herself into different dinosaurs on a field trip to the museum. Role reversal story where the kids know the rules better than Grandmasaurus.

    Themes: inter-generational relationships, non-gendered characters, role reversal, literary non-fiction, diversity, facts, role reversal, dinosaurs, picture book

    • Boredom Busters
    • More Boredom Busters

    Let’s dive into busting boredom! Brainstorming on things you can craft using supplies you have around your home or classroom. Great for makerspace and school-vacation activity ideas!

    Themes: Screen-free activities, recycle/upcycle, STEM, creativity, boredom busters, activity books

    Equipment required: Table. Library or classroom preferred.

    Mid-morning start time requested.

    Caroline also offers book marketing coaching for authors

    Contact Caroline for a visit: