Hughes, Susan (Toronto, ON)

Writers Union Member. Canscaip. SCBWI. Fiction & NF, multiple Forest of Reading nominations. Multi awards. Mainly grades K to 6.

Virtual visit: $200 (plus hst) for one session of 40-50 mins; and $150 for each additional session on the same day. Also, $220 (plus hst) for two back-to-back 30 min sessions with Kinders.

Walking for Water: How One Boy Stood Up For Gender Equality is shortlisted for the Hackmatack English Non-Fiction Award.

Susan is an award-winning author of over 30 children’s books (fiction and non-fiction), including picture books, chapter books, middle-grade novels, and YA novels—and even some graphic narratives (picture books and middle-grade). She runs through the local cemetery, where she glimpses coyotes and foxes; was dog- and horse-crazy as a kid; and no matter what’s she’s doing, would usually rather be reading.

Susan’s books have won and been shortlisted for several awards, including the Silver Birch Express, Silver Birch Non-fiction, Red Maple, Red Cedar Information Book, Hackmatack, Prix des Libraires du Quebec (Jeunesse), Bank Street Best Children’s Books of the Year, TD Canadian Children’s Literature, Diamond Willow). Her books have received starred and recommended reviews from Kirkus, CCBC, CBC Books, Quill & Quire, School Library Journal, Resource Links, The Globe & Mail, CanLit for Little Canadians and CM Magazine.

Susan loves chatting with young readers about her books, the writing and publishing process, and their own writing projects. Susan will read from one or more of her books, discuss the inspiration for her book and the writing, research, and publishing process, and engage in a lively Q and A with young students.  

Readings from her book(s), plus Q&A’s with audience (20-30 mins for kinders; 30-50 mins for gr 1 and up)

Suggestions of picture books for presentations:

Same Here: The Differences We Share (gr 2 – 5)

This MG informational picture book introduces readers to kids from around the world, the lives they lead, and the common needs that unite them. The child-centered narrative and evocative illustrations explore how education, family, free time, and other aspects of daily life look different depending on who you are and where you live.

Themes: common needs, global connections, equality/equity, diversity, education, communication, socio-economic realities, social studies

Walking for Water: How One Boy Stood Up for Gender Equality (gr 2 – 5)

In this inspiring picture book story of individual activism (based on a real boy), Victor recognizes gender inequality when his sister must stop attending school — and decides to do something about it.

Themes: equality, gender, children taking action, Malawi, fiction/ non-fiction, graphic novel, family, diversity, authenticity, experts, Citizen Kids, global connections

Carmen and the House That Gaudi Built (gr 1 – 6)

Carmen Batlló must move to the city, leaving behind her imaginary salamander—but then meets architect Antoni Gaudí. This picture book is inspired by the real Batlló family and the house Gaudí designed for them.

Themes: fiction versus non-fiction, based on, imaginary friends, architecture, home, nature, moving, Antoni Gaudi, change

What Happens Next (gr 2 -6)

This picture book story is told by an unnamed protagonist who, when bullied by a girl at school, confronts the bully in a unique way— helping the bully see the world with a new perspective.

Themes: bullying, emotions, empathy, non-gendered character, point-of-view, differences and similarities, courage

Walking in the City with Jane: A Story of Jane Jacobs (gr 3 – 7)

A fictionalized story of the life of Jane Jacobs, one of the world’s greatest urban thinkers and activists, this picture book is a terrific resource for exploring civic engagement, urban life, and the role of city planning.

Themes: urban activist, ecosystem, grassroots, observer, perseverance, courage, citizenship, initiative, prison, biography, annual Jane Walks

Up! How Families Around the World Carry their Little Ones (K to gr 2)

A celebration of diversity, this non-fiction picture book depicts children being carried in many different ways by various family members in 10 places around the world.

Themes: family, emotions, empathy, rural/urban, diversity, global connections

Off to Class: Incredible and Unusual Schools Around the World  (gr 4 to 7)

In this middle-grade non-fiction book, you’ll travel around the globe to visit some of the world’s most incredible schools (on boats, on train platforms, mobile schools, etc.) and meet the students who attend them.

Themes: education, equality/equity, tough decisions, diversity, initiative, interviews, citizenship, global connections

Virtual meetings can be on Zoom, Google meets, or Skype. Audience size: let’s discuss!

Connect with Susan to book a visit:

    Kamal, Sheena

    Sheena is currently unavailable for bookings/visits

    Adult thrillers and bold, gritty YA fiction. Globe and Mail bestselling author, Strand Magazine Critics Award Winner, Macavity Award Winner, Kobo Emerging Writer Prize Winner, White Pine Nominee, Crime Writers of Canada Nominee. All ages. $400 plus HST for 1 session + travel. Virtual Visits: $300 plus HST per session.

    Sheena is an internationally published, critically acclaimed author of adult thrillers and young adult fiction. She holds an HBA in Political Science from the University of Toronto and was awarded a TD Canada Trust scholarship for community leadership and activism around the issue of homelessness.

    Her debut novel The Lost Ones (US)/Eyes Like Mine (UK) won the 2018 Kobo Emerging Writer Prize, a Strand Magazine Critics Award and Macavity Award for Best First Novel. It has been sold in fifteen countries and was a Globe and Mail Bestseller, a Time Magazine Recommended Read, an iBooks Best Book, a Bustle Best Book and a Powell’s Pick. Fight Like a Girl is her debut YA novel and is also published in the UK by Hot Key Books.

    Additionally, her writing has been featured in The Guardian (U.K.), BustleThe Irish Times (Ireland), Writers Digest, and Entertainment Weekly.

    She enjoys giving workshops about the writing process, connecting with your creativity, and finding your voice.

    Contact Sheena to book a visit:

      Crawley, Oksanna (Brampton, ON)

      CANSCAIP and SCBWI member. Author/Illustrator of picture books, early reader books. Available for virtual presentations or in-person presentations for grades K-8. Oksanna lives in Brampton, Ontario.

      Virtual presentation (30 minutes or 1 hour) $100.00

      In-person presentation (1- 2 hours)  $250.00 (ability to project images from author’s laptop, prefers one or two classes)

      Oksanna is the co-author and illustrator of the picture book, PIRATE GLITTERBEARD, published by Rebel Mountain Press.

      “My class giggled with delight as I read this book to them. They loved the whimsical characters and the vibrant pictures. Pirate Glitterbeard breaks down all the stereotypes of how a pirate should act and look. This book should definitely be on the shelves of EVERY classroom. Highly recommended.” ~Karen Williams teacher/librarian

      Oksanna has also written a non-fiction book for children about her favourite Canadian artist, Tom Thomson, which will be published in 2024 by Fitzhenry and Whiteside.

      A series of over 30 books for early readers, SUPER HAMMY’S ADVENTURES, which she wrote and illustrated is available from Blueberry Hill Books.

      Oksanna is a retired teacher and would be happy to tailor her presentation to the needs of your students. She loves to talk about how a book comes to life from idea to final product, how to approach illustrating a picture book from thumbnail sketch to final illustration, how to construct or plot a story, how to write a non-fiction book, etc.

      School Presentations include a PowerPoint presentation

      Contact Oksanna to book a visit:

        McLellan, Stephanie Simpson (Newmarket, ON)

        Writers Union Member. English. Fiction (Picture Book and Mid Grade), Mr. Christie Award winner, Ruth Schwartz Award Winner, 2022 Blue Spruce Award Honour Book. Grades K-4 and Grades 5-8.

        In-Person Visits: $300 plus HST for 1 session, $500 for 2, $750 for 3 and $1000 for 4, + travel (50 cents per kilometre, round-trip for SW ON).

        Stephanie is the award-winning author of six picture books books, a mid-grade novel and a unique picture book-first reader hybrid. She reviewed children’s books for twelve years for Today’s Parent magazine (for which she got to interview the legendary Maurice Sendak!), operated an online bookstore for a few years called Neverending Stories, and wrote several scripts for the gemini-nominated children’s television series Roll Play (on Treehouse).

        Her books have won and been shortlisted for several awards (Mr. Christie Award, Ruth Schwartz Award, Chocolate Lily Award, CNIB Tiny Torgi Award, Crystal Kite Award and Blue Spruce Award) and have received starred and recommended reviews from Kirkus, CCBC, CBC Books, Quill & Quire, School Library Journal, Resource Links, TVO Kids, Chickadee Magazine, The Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, National Post, City Parent, CanLit for Little Canadians and CM Magazine.

        A passionate promoter of literacy, Stephanie has toured twice for TD Canadian Children’s Book Week: to Labrador in 2014 and Northwest Territories in 2018. Surrounding the release of her 2017 picture book, The Christmas Wind, Stephanie worked with almost 1,700 primary students in every province and territory of Canada (plus one school in Australia) on a unique literacy initiative that resulted in over 13,000 student drawings of her characters Jo, Murdock and the wind. Widely profiled by CBC, The Christmas Wind Story Project involved the Canadian Children’s Book Centre in the spring of 2016 and was a top 10 finalist in the 2016 CST Inspired Minds Learning Project Contest.

        Presentation Description

        During Stephanie’s school presentations for grades K-4, she encourages children to look for and understand their own creativity by sharing the stories behind her stories, how these stories/ideas turn into books, and what it’s like to write for a living. Specifically, she has four goals with each school presentation:

        • To entertain students with a dramatic reading of her books so they will come to know and care about her characters and about the value of story
        • To stir the writer/creator inside each student by sharing the stories behind her stories, thus empowering them to see the connection between their own lives and their own potential works of art
        • To create a natural bridge to relevant, valuable and interesting learning (e.g.Hoogie in the Middle – a simile exercise; Leon’s Song – a mini science quiz on how frogs survive the winter)
        • To give students a sense of what goes into the creation of a book (the illustrator, the publisher, the ideas) and what it’s like to write for a living 

        For grades 5-8, Stephanie will focus on her mid grade novel Sully, Messed Up to explore themes of self-esteem, identity, life choices, social-emotional learning and bullying.

        Ahead of each school visit Stephanie creates a school specific page on her website to help teachers and students prepare for her visit.

        Maximum group size: 50-60 for optimum interaction 

        Equipment required: a table, an easel (for presentation boards), water, microphone for larger groups or in the gym.

        Contact Stephanie to book a visit:

          Cohen, Tziporah (Toronto, ON)

          Tziporah Cohen

          Tziporah Cohen. Toronto, Ontario. Writers’ Union Member. English. Grades SK-3 (picture book presentations), Grade 4-8 (novel presentations).

          Virtual rates: $200 per session (45-60 min). In-person rates: $275 for one session (45-60 minutes), $200 each for additional visits up to four. Full day visits can include eating lunch with small group of interested older students. Kindergarten visits can be split into two 25 min visits with different classes. No travel costs within City of Toronto; GTA (excluding City of Toronto) $25 per 30 min car travel, rounded up. 

          Tziporah is the author of three picture books:  ON THE CORNER OF CHOCOLATE AVENUE: HOW MILTON HERSHEY BROUGHT MILK CHOCOLATE TO AMERICA (December 2022), the award-winning wordless picture book AFIKOMEN (March 2023) and CITY BEET (March 2023). She is also the author of the award-winning middle grade novel, NO VACANCY, published in September 2020.

          Middle Grade Novel Presentations

          • Author’s Journey: How do you go from writer to author? Learn the origin story of NO VACANCY and all the steps from beginning to publication: from idea to first draft and revisions, to acquisition, editing and copy editing, cover design and book-on-the-shelf! Includes photos from the entire process and reading of a chapter from the book. (60 minutes, Grades 4-7, in-person or virtual)
          • Revision, Revision, Revision! What are the steps in going from first draft to finished story? Get an inside view on the author’s revisions of NO VACANCY, both before and after acquisition by the publisher. Includes specific examples of revision strategies (using strong verbs; show, don’t tell; adding detail; use of outlines and calendars; eliminating writing quirks, etc) with photos of manuscript. Includes reading of a chapter of the book. This presentation works best if students have read the book, but not required. (60 minutes, Grades 4-7, in person or virtual)

          Picture Book Presentations

          • Let’s Talk About Chocolate! Where does chocolate come from? Learn about where and how cacao beans grow and how they are turned into the chocolate we all love, followed by a reading ON THE CORNER OF CHOCOLATE AVENUE: HOW MILTON HERSHEY BROUGHT MILK CHOCOLATE TO AMERICA. (45 minutes, Grades JK-2, in person or virtual)
          • How Do Picture Books Get Made? Using ON THE CORNER OF CHOCOLATE AVENUE or CITY BEET, we’ll talk about how a picture book gets made, from idea to research, first draft to revision, illustration to printing, plus the various people involved in the process, including the writer and illustrator, editor, book designer, publicist and more.  Includes a reading of either book and Q&A time. (45 minutes, Grades 1-3, can be combined with Let’s Talk About Chocolate for total of 60 minutes, in-person or virtual)
          • Let’s Make a Picture Book Workshop! Why are picture books always 32 or 40 pages in length? What is the author’s job and what is the illustrator’s? Who decides if the characters will be people or animals? We’ll answer these questions and more and then, using one of the author’s manuscripts, the students will illustrate the words and put them together to make their own picture book for the classroom library. Includes a reading of any of author’s picture books. (45-60 minutes, Grades 3-4, in-person only)

          Size limits: 100 for virtual presentations, 30 for in-person visits (60 for Reading/Q&A)

          Equipment: For virtual visits, Skype or school Zoom account. For in-person visits, laptop with Powerpoint, (can bring own laptop if it can be connected to school projector, otherwise will bring USB stick), projector and screen for Power Point presentation, table, microphone if space larger than classroom, glass of water. Teacher or librarian must be present for all presentations, virtual or in-person.

          Contact Tziporah to book a visit:

            Cooke, Stephanie (Toronto, ON)

            Stephanie Cooke. Toronto, ON. Writers’ Union of Canada Member. English. Fantasy, Fiction, Contemporary Fiction, Middle-Grade, and Young Adult. Stephanie’s rates for school visits is $300 for one session (local schools only), $500 for two sessions or for a half-day, and $900 for a full school day (maximum four sessions), plus travel if applicable. Virtual visits are $250.

            Stephanie Cooke is an author and editor based out of Toronto, Canada. She is the writer of ParaNorthern and the co-writer of Oh My Gods!

            She loves to speak to people about comics, graphic novels, and writing and devotes a lot of time to helping educate people about creating, understanding, and appreciating the graphic novel medium.

            Ever wonder how a comic book or graphic novel gets made? How many different people work on one book? What’s the process for creating a story and turning it into a graphic novel? Stephanie delves into all of this and more as she helps people explore the world of the comic book industry and sheds light on the process of writing a story from inception to completion.

            Ages: Any

            Group size: Any, but especially love working with smaller groups of 15-30 kids.
            A/V needs: Projector or anything to present some images to go along with the presentation.

            Collaboration is hands-down the best parts of creating a graphic novel. Working with someone to bring an idea to life is an incredible feeling. Having someone to bounce ideas around with is amazing and inspiring. And getting to see an artist bring what was in your head to life on the page is nothing short of magical! With her experience as a co-writer on Oh My Gods! and a co-creator on an unannounced series, Stephanie has created this presentation to help teach you about the process, what to expect, and provide exercises for you to learn from.

            Ages: Any, but works especially well ages 6 and up (and for students and adults)
            Group size: 15-30

            Other topics are available upon request.

            Contact Stephanie to book a visit…

              Church, Dr. Dana L (Waterloo, ON)

              Dana lives in Waterloo, Ontario, and is a member of the Writers’ Union of Canada. She presents in English to grades 1 though 6, and she also enjoys presenting to adult groups. In-person rates: $300 for one one-hour session, $550 for two on the same day, plus a travel fee of $0.70/km. Travel costs waived in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, and the townships. Virtual visit rates: $250 for one one-hour session, $200 for two on the same day.

              Dana writes middle grade nonfiction about animals. She has a PhD in animal cognition, which means she is very curious about how animals think, remember, learn, make decisions, and solve problems. Her books also explore habitats, conservation, and the impact of climate change. Dana is passionate about making science fun and accessible for everyone. Although she loves all animals, she gets particularly excited about bees.

              Dana used to teach outrageously large undergraduate classes so she really doesn’t have a size limit for her audience. She finds that her PowerPoint slides are handy for showing photos, so for in-person visits, if she could hook up her Mac laptop to a projector, that would be great. When presenting about Animal Minds, a large table will allow for demonstrations involving her gorilla and raccoon puppet sidekicks. For virtual visits, she can adapt to any platform, and if she can share her screen, even better.

              Contact Dana to book a visit:

                Hamilton-Barry, Joann (Saint John, NB)

                Joann Hamilton-Barry

                Joann lives in Saint John, New Brunswick and is a member of the Writer’s Federation of New Brunswick. Joann loves presenting to students from grades 3 to 8. Rates for 45-60 minutes are $250 for one session, $450 for two, $675 for three and $900 for a full day of four sessions. Joann loves to travel and would welcome the chance to visit your school or library. Travel fee of $0.50/km applies, if more than 100km from Saint John, NB. Virtual visits using Zoom are $125 for a 45-60 minute presentation.

                Joann is a book lover and enjoys sharing her love of reading and learning. She began her career as a teacher and then headed back to university to become a children’s librarian. For nearly 20 years she spent her days developing and delivering fun, book-related library programs. She has delivered more than 75 presentations as an author.

                Joann has written four non-fiction books that appeal to all ages. Her books have received multiple award nominations and she won the Hackmatack Children’s Book Award in 2020 for There Be Pirates! Swashbucklers & Rogues of the Atlantic.

                Joann’s illustrated presentations about the North Atlantic right whale, pirates, or Oak Island feature images and information from her books. Sessions include time to see and touch (in person visits) some of the things mentioned in the books: fishing ropes and buoys that entangle whales, samples of pirate crafts, or coconut fibres that are similar to what has been connected to the Oak Island treasure. Joann begins each session with little known facts to catch the interest of even the most reluctant audience member. She explains how she does her research and that the local library is the best source for reliable information. Joann shows images from the books and her research trips, reads short sections from the book, and answers audience questions. The goal for each presentation is to get the students excited about reading, learning and the treasure waiting to be found in books. Joann provides a word search puzzle sheet that she created to match the book being presented. Each reading is tailored to the grade level(s) of the audience.  

                Joann is comfortable presenting to audiences large and small, (grades 3-8) as long as everyone can hear her and see your screen or smartboard. The optimal audience size is a single classroom, so that everyone has a chance to ask their question, two classes together can also work well. Equipment requirements:  Joann’s session will take the audience through a tour of her book(s) with info and images projected for all to see. She will bring a computer loaded with her presentation(s) and will connect to your monitor, data projector and screen, or smartboard. She will also need a surface to display items from her books: a buoy, a snarl of plastic found while doing a beach clean up, a bowl made from discarded fishing rope, an eye patch, a quill, and/or coconut – depending on which book she is presenting. Joann has presented in gyms and cafeterias, and is happy to speak to large groups, if you provide a sound system with a microphone and ensure that everyone can see the monitor or screen.

                Awards and nominations include: Hackmatack, Rocky Mountain Book Award, Writer’s Federation of New Brunswick, Best Books for Kids and Teens, Our Choice selection, Canadian Children’s Book Centre, etc…

                Contact Joann for a visit…

                  Garbutt, Loretta (Toronto, ON)

                  loretta garbutt

                  Loretta Garbutt is based in Toronto, ON and developed a passion for children’s books while working at a local bookstore where she was a storyteller, bookseller and reviewer. In this magical world, Loretta was also thrilled to be putting books into the hands of tomorrow’s big readers.

                  Loretta has been a writer and voice performer for over 30 years and worked on many wonderful animated shows including Babar, Julius Jr. and the unforgettable Max and Ruby and her interaction with groups of children is one of her favourite things to do. 

                  Loretta has been enjoying class visits since her first picture book, A Stopwatch from Grampa was published in 2020. 

                  She loves the one on one discussions with students and the questions and surprises that follow. Loretta likes to keep her presentations fresh and full of interaction with writing prompts, a little drama and simple games.


                  • CANSCAIP, CCBC, SCBWI, TWUC, Author’s Booking Service & ACTRA

                  PRESENTS TO…

                  • English
                  • JK-GR 4

                  30-min presentation rate – $150


                  Wake Up, Little Pin! The Story of A Sleepy Sapling

                  A story about a mother hub tree who calls for all the elements of

                  the forest to help wake her sleepy sapling.
                  From Kirkus: An intimate and accurate picture of a natural cycle.

                  At Mother Pin’s request, Red Squirrel asks Vole to loosen the ground by digging tunnels and enlists Porcupine to poop out a “nutritious breakfast” at Little Pin’s base. Mother Pin also asks the underground filaments of fungal mycelia to send some of her own nourishing sugars to the seedling’s roots.

                  Jeffrey Loves Blue

                  A Sheila Barry Honour Book Award

                  Jeffrey often gets hyper focused on things, especially the colour blue.

                  What happens when Jeffrey is asked to choose a new colour?

                  Kirkus review: Proof that adapting to change is not only possible, but also genuinely enjoyable.

                  The text is presented as dialogue in two voices: That of the unseen narrator—likely Jeffrey’s parent—is rendered in a black font, while Jeffrey’s voice is set in a different, blue font. This reassuring story will help children who, like Jeffrey, find comfort in structure and routine to understand that change is not only possible, but that overcoming a big hurdle can also be rewarding. The childlike illustrations are appealing and, like the book’s conversational approach, will help children sympathize with Jeffrey’s plight; readers will applaud his success. 

                  A Stopwatch from Grampa was given a starred review from Kirkus and The School Library Journal. The book was also named one of Kirkus’ Best Books of 2020. Kirkus: “An excellent and understated portrayal of grief from a children’s perspective.”

                  From Canadian Review of materials: A Stopwatch from Grampa would make a strong choice for parents, teachers, and librarians to read with young children who have experienced loss. The picture book may provoke discussion about dealing with grief as well as the memories and mementos from loved ones who have passed. Highly Recommended.

                  Class presentations for this title focus on how the objects we have, like a stopwatch, can remind us of those we love. Her presentation includes the fun of timing games, family memories we love to share and the illustrator’s (Carmen Mok) influence on the story. 

                  And J.J. Slept is a story about family and what makes a house a home.

                  From the Canadian Review of Materials: 

                  Garbutt only mentions in the beginning that J.J. is adopted when he is brought to his new family by the adoption worker. Otherwise, adoption is not necessarily the focus of this book, but rather it’s the meaning of home and family, whether adopted or not. For some people, that could be a quiet home in the countryside or an energetic life in the city. In the case of And J.J. Slept, home for J.J. becomes a lively and busy household full of the sounds and love of his siblings and parents. 

                  Class presentations for this title include discussion around what it means to be a part of a family and the different types of families. 

                   What are some of your fun traditions, sleep rituals and the games you play together? 

                  Contact Loretta to book a visit…

                    Matas, Carol (Winnipeg, MB,)

                    Carol Matas, Winnipeg, MB, member, Writers’ Union of Canada, English. Grades K- 12.

                    One hour in person $350 plus GST, $600.00 plus GST for 2 sessions, plus travel. One hour virtual visit, $200.00 plus GST.

                    Carol is the internationally best selling author of over 45 books for young people, which have received over 100 awards and honours and been translated into 16 languages.  

                    Photo: Chantal Picton Holowka.

                    Carol Matas will have a new Holocaust novel, A Struggle For Hope, out this fall with Scholastic Canada. It tells the story of Ruth, a Holocaust survivor who has made the dangerous trip to Palestine after the war. She and other survivors tell their stories as a way of making sense of the world and Ruth discovers how powerful stories can be – for good and for ill. Winnipeg, Manitoba.

                    Carol has written historical, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary novels. She is about to have her first picture book published. She has written early readers, middle grade novels and young adult novels and a YA crossover book. She often gets emails from young people  telling her that they didn’t like to read until they discovered her books, and she is thrilled to cultivate new readers. Many of  Carol’s  presentations are about her Holocaust novels. In these sessions she delves into the roots of antisemitism and racism which informed Hitler’s worldview. She loves to talk about “big questions” using books like Cloning Miranda, when she encourages discussions about what it means to be a human being.

                    Who’s Looking for science based presentations.

                    There is no size limit as long as a microphone is provided for in person visits, even in small venues – although the perfect venue is a library.

                    Carol does virtual visits all over North America, most recently Atlanta, Georgia to present “The War Within,” a Civil War novel.

                    Writers’ Union; Canscaip; SCBWI. Also presents to adults.

                    Carol’s books have garnered over 100 awards and honours, including 2 nominations for the Governor General’s Award; the Silver Birch Award; a New York Times Notable book; a Sydney Taylor Award; a National Jewish Book Award finalist; an ALA Best Book of the Year for YA; a Helen and Stan Vine Canadian Jewish Book Award for Young People; CCBC Best Book for Kids and Teens; New York Public Library, book for the Teen Age; and the Geoffrey Bilson Award. They have also been translated into 16 languages and many have been best sellers. Daniel’s Story has sold over 1 million copies in the United States and Canada. 

                    Contact Carol to book a visit