Member of the Writer’s Union, CANSCAIP, Storylines Trust, SCBWI, IAAMB, and the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television. Multi-awards, including Literary Classics Book Awards (Silver), Purple Dragonfly Book Awards, Royal Dragonfly Book Awards, Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards, Canada Book Awards, Finalist for Best Book Awards, Wishing Shelf Book Awards for my 8 picture books so far. Ages 5 – 8/Kindergarten – Grade 3. Author of picture books and middle grade books.
$200 for one in-person reading, Q&A, and prepared presentation, plus travel ($15 within Toronto, cost of return ticket on a case-by-case basis for outside of Toronto within southern Ontario—in-person visits will depend on ease of travel to the location). All activity PDFs and book order forms are included and emailed in advance of the scheduled visit.
$150 for one virtual reading, Q&A, and prepared presentation. All activity PDFs and book order forms are included and emailed in advance of the scheduled visit.
Regan has been a published children’s book author since 2015, and has been doing in person class presentations as her schedule has permitted since 2018. In 2020, she pivoted to virtual presentations. Because of her commitment to writing, her canine and feline massage therapy business, and marketing her three businesses, she is only available for 1-2 class presentations in one day. She is now also expanding to include more school and library visits.

Presentations according to book and Grades:
Peter Little Wing (Gr. 4 – 6):
Peter, a captive Southern Fiordland tokoeka kiwi, and his friends from the National Aquarium—Onion, a little blue penguin with an inner ear imbalance; Tim, a tuatara with Generalized Anxiety Disorder; and Rangi, a kea with clipped wings—embark on a quest through the unfamiliar wilderness of New Zealand in search of three ingredients needed to create an elixir to cure Peter’s ailing grandfather. Together, they traverse the length of the South Island of Aotearoa, all the way across the Cook Strait and back home to the North Island. They learn what they are all capable of in the wild of the wop wops, and what the world beyond the “Wall of Shadows” of Peter’s habitat is all about.
After a reading of Chapter 1, plus a Q&A, I have a keynote presentation which will include information about the species represented by the main characters (kiwi, little blue penguins, tuatara, kea, brushtail possums and Green and Golden Bell frog), as well as a few other NZ species of interest. Included is information about New Zealand itself, and the locations mentioned in the book (Napier/Hawke’s Bay, Queenstown, Haast Pass, Fox Glacier, Lake Matheson, Punakaiki, Mount Richmond Forest Park, the Wairau river, Picton/Marlborough region, and Wellington).
There is also the opportunity for your students to do their own presentations and project assignments and an optional NZ/British vocabulary/expression discussion. I am available to return to watch and review student presentations (extra $100 plus travel fee).
Along with book order forms, I can also send a PDF of optional projects and presentations the students can do. The approximate length of the reading, Q&A and key note presentation is 60 minutes.
Dog Band (Gr. 1 & 2): In this story, a newly formed band comprised of dogs ask their group of diverse friends—from dogs to frogs—what their favourite music genre is as they decide what kind of music they want the band to play.
After the reading of the story, I have a keynote presentation that includes a bit of information on some of the real life versions of the main characters, along with some background on their (dog/cat) breeds; information about types of musical instruments, including brass, percussion, strings, keyboards, and woodwinds (sound samples are included). I then give a little introduction and discussion of each of the musical genres presented in the book, including: rock, jazz, hip hop, folk, reggae, opera, swing/big band, rock & roll, blues, country, musical theatre, classical.
Easy and fun activities are included in the PDF I email in advance, along with book order forms: five colouring pages, two drawing pages, maze, name the members of the band, and postcard. The approximate length of the reading, Q&A, and presentation is 30 minutes.
Chloe the Unfeathered Parrot (Gr. 1, 2 & 3): This tale is based on a true story, and a true parrot, and the people at the Parrot Sanctuary who help this near-featherless parrot find her forever flock.
After reading, I have a keynote presentation on parrots and parrot rescue. We’ll talk a little bit about the real Parrot Sanctuary, some of the issues presented in the book (Why did Chloe start plucking her own feathers? Why was her previous owner’s home and lifestyle not the right fit for her?), a little bit about the real Chloe, the other parrots mentioned in the book, facts about different kinds of parrots (those that are sometimes kept as pets, and those that are only in the wild), diagram of a parrot’s wing, set up and care for pet parrots, and optional extras like “what is an orthinologist?” Also optional, presentations that the students can do (make a poster, make a diorama, raising awareness certificate).
Easy and fun activities are included in the PDF I email in advance, along with book order forms: five colouring pages, two drawing pages, maze, name the parrot, and postcard. The approximate length of the reading, Q&A, and presentation is 30-45 minutes.
For an additional $100, plus travel (Toronto area only), a 15-20 minute visit from volunteers and one or more parrots from The Parrot Sanctuary can be included after my reading, Q&A, and presentation. And for an additional $50, there is also the option to include a parrot toy making session (15 minutes), which the parrots can take away with them (and share them with the other parrots at The Parrot Sanctuary). This additional $100 or 150 is donated directly to The Parrot Sanctuary. (Please note that if the parrot visit option is chosen, all efforts will be made to keep the parrots “nut free” but that parents with children who have nut allergies should be made aware ahead of the visit).
Tamara Turtle’s Life So Far (Grades 2 & 3): Through the eyes of one Red-eared Slider turtle, this story explains why pet turtles should never be impulse purchases, and why they should not be released into the wild.
After the reading of the story, I have a keynote presentation that includes discussion/comparison of portions of the story (i.e. What does the Painted turtle mean when she says the wrong kind of animal in the wrong place can throw everything off?); optional exercise—dividing into groups to make lists of what was learned from the book, and questions they still have; basic facts about Red-eared Slider turtles; Red-eared Slider key features; turtles you might find in pet stores; turtles native to Ontario; map of Red-eared Slider distribution; map showing where they have “invaded” Ontario; pet turtle set up equipment; what a pet Red-eared Slider needs to be happy & healthy in your home; pet turtle foods and “human foods” that they can and cannot eat; approximate (and simple) budget for keeping a pet turtle (to discourage impulse buying or adopting); reasons people sometimes give up their pet turtles and what they should do; what is a herpetologist?; optional vocabulary and activities (make a poster, make a diorama, raising awareness certificate).
Easy and fun activities included in the PDF I email in advance, along with book order forms: four colouring pages, a maze, picture drawing. The length of this presentation can be adjusted to best suit your class, whether you need to fill an hour or half an hour.
For an additional $100, plus travel if outside Toronto (and depending on whether there is a volunteer available in your region—contact me to discuss options), a 15-20 minute visit from one of the volunteers and her Red-eared Slider turtle from Little RES Q Reptile Rescue can be included after my reading, Q&A, and presentation. Afterwards, there is also the option to include a “turtle” activity session. This additional $100 is donated directly to Little RES Q
Beverlee Beaz the Brown Burmese (Gr. K, 1 & 2): This story is about a Burmese cat whose creative imagination games take her on wonderful adventures.
After the reading of the story, I have a keynote presentation that includes a little bit of background on the origins of the Burmese cat; examples of Beverlee’s imagination games; then the kids get a chance to reimagine different animals!
Easy and fun activities included in the PDF I email in advance, along with book order forms: five colouring pages, a story writing page, drawing pages, and a maze. The approximate length of the reading, Q&A, and presentation is 20-30 minutes.
Mixter Twizzle’s Breakfast (Gr. K, 1 & 2): This story is about an odd, red, round-shaped mischievous creature living at Riverdale Farm in Toronto, who learns the error of his mischievous ways when he accidentally hatches a baby chick.
After the reading of the story, I have a keynote presentation that includes some background information about Riverdale Farm (in Toronto, where the story is set); short presentations on some of the farm animals present in the story.
Easy and fun activities included in the PDF I email in advance, along with book order forms: three colouring pages, maze, drawing page, make a poster, and parts of a chicken. The approximate length of the reading, Q&A, and presentation is 30 minutes.
Libby the Lobivia Jajoiana (Gr. 2 & 3): This story is about a cactus plant who learns that what makes her different also makes her very special.
After the reading of the story, I have a keynote presentation that includes information and background on Libby’s (lobivia jajoiana cactus) and Violet’s (African Violets) native habitats; violets in space trivia; cactus uniqueness and traits (how they evolved); growing a cactus or violet at home. Easy and fun activities included in the PDF I email in advance, along with book order forms: three colouring pages, drawing pages, maze, and further to growing a cactus at home (full instructions through Cactus Caffeine’s YouTube channel). The approximate length of the reading, Q&A, and presentation is 30 minutes.
For an additional $150 the full reading and presentation of Libby the Lobivia Jajoiana can be booked at Allan Gardens on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday. After the reading, presentations, and Q&A, teachers and students are invited to stroll through the greenhouses (especially the cactus enclosure!). Total time available in the greenhouses is 2 hours (including reading and presentation). Please note that there is a playground located in the park outside the greenhouses, which makes for a great “waiting space” for staff and students prior to the visit.
Sloth the Lazy Dragon (Gr. K, 1 & 2): In this story, a brave little dwarf helps Sloth get in shape by teaching the dragon about nutrition and exercise.
After the reading of the story, I have a keynote presentation that includes examples of healthy foods; examples of exercise (which can be turned into an interactive activity); which are the healthier food choices discussion.
Easy and fun activities included in the PDF I email in advance, along with book order forms: make a poster, name some vegetables, name some fruit, circle healthy food choices, two colouring pages, two drawing pages, maze.
Merry Myrrh the Christmas Bat (Gr. K, 1 & 2): In this story, Myrrh experiences the wonders of his first Christmas, as well as the kindness of the farm family that find him in their home.
After the reading of the story, I have a keynote presentation that includes information about the little brown bat, including North American distribution map; information about white-nose syndrome (which adversely affects many bats); frequently asked questions about bats answered; why bats are so important to our ecosystem.
Easy and fun activities included in the PDF I email in advance, along with book order forms: three colouring pages, parts of a bat sheet, maze, make a poster, and draw the four seasons. The approximate length of the reading, Q&A, and presentation is 30 minutes.
I prefer groups of no more than two classes (of approximately 30 students per class). Any venue is fine (in-person) provided there is a projector and screen available. I have a MacBook Air M1 2020, or iPad Pro first generation with an HDMI adaptor for each. I can also provide the files on a USB thumb drive. If absolutely necessary, I do have an Epson projector, but I do not have a screen. PDFs of activities and book order forms will be sent by email in advance. It is up to you whether you prefer to pass these forms or activities on to students/parents by email, or print out and photocopy for your class.