Writers’ Union Member. Fun and funny cartoonist, children’s illustrator and picture book author and ukulele lady. $300 + HST for 1 session, $500 for 2, $800 for 3 and $1,000 for 4.
Patricia is very happy to do 2 one half hour JK-K sessions for $300 + HST. No charge for travel within Toronto and the GTA. Patricia Storms is a picture book author, and an award-winning cartoonist and illustrator specializing in humorous illustrations for children and adults. She can do illustration and writing workshops for JK all the way up to college level.
Presentation Details
Humour is essential in Patricia’s workshops! Laughter & learning go hand in hand. Doodling and drawing cartoons is a great way to in enhance memory, focus, and independent thought. Creative children become great problem-solvers. Patricia is very versatile and will tailor each talk to the age level of the group. Original drawings are always donated to the class at the end of the session!
JK-K: Patricia performs an entertaining and dramatic reading of The Pirate and the Penguin, as well as a cartoon demonstration.
K- Grade 2 classes: THANKFUL PRESENTATION Patricia sings the song ‘If You’re Thankful And You Know It’ from her new illustrated book with the help of her ukulele and the class. There will be discussion of the holiday Thanksgiving and most important, what we all are thankful for in our lives. A drawing workshop ends this presentation, showing kids how to draw fall images such as pumpkins, scarecrows, leaves and squirrels!
MOON WISHES PRESENTATION! I would read the Moon Wishes story aloud to the kids using a projector to display the art. I would then discuss general facts about the moon including the story about the first moon landing. I would then do a drawing workshop with the kids, showing them how to draw various moon faces, similar to what is in the book. I would encourage the kids to personalize their moon face, with the hopes of fostering creativity. We would round off the program with some songs (mostly Moon songs), like By The Light of the Silvery Moon, Moon River, Fly Me To The Moon. If there is time, there are some other new stories I’d like to read to them.
SUN WISHES PRESENTATION! I would read the Sun Wishes story aloud to the kids using a projector to display the art, along with crafted props to embellish the story. I would then discuss simple, general facts about the sun, as well as talk briefly about how the sun shines on everyone in the world, emphasizing how all lives matter. I would then do a drawing workshop with the kids, showing them how to draw various sun faces, similar to what is in the book. I would encourage the kids to personalize their sun face, with the hopes of fostering creativity. We would round off the program with some sun songs like You Are My Sunshine, Let The Sunshine In, and It’s A Small World.
SUN WISHES/MOON WISHES COMBO! If the school in question has time, I would perform both the Sun Wishes and the Moon Wishes presentation.
NEVER LET YOU GO PRESENTATION Patricia shows a slide presentation of her picture book NEVER LET YOU GO, along with a quick drawing demo showing the class how penguin families are similar to people families. After the slide show Patricia demonstrates to the group how to draw a penguin. Time permitting, Patricia encourages the kids to make their penguin look like someone within their family or themselves.
THE GHOSTS GO SPOOKING PRESENTATION! Singing with a ukelele! Drawing! Puppets! Cute ghosties! In this fun Halloween book, THE GHOSTS GO SPOOKING, written by Chrissy Bozik, little ghosts go trick-or-treating by ones, twos and up to ten in this spooky and fun-filled take on ‘The Ants Go Marching’. After the presentation, Patricia engages the audience in a ghost drawing workshop.
Grades 3-6: CREATE A CHARACTER WORKSHOP This workshop engages the class into drawing and creating characters as well as introducing concepts such as setting, characters and action in creating a story. Patricia invites the students to be her art directors, providing ideas of what kind of hair, eyes, nose, clothes, etc., to draw, in order to create their unique character. In the second half of the session Patricia becomes the art director and editor of a picture book. She presents a short silly story and then encourages the audience to illustrate all or part of the story explaining the concepts of setting, characters and action.
Grades 5-12: CREATE A BOOK COVER WORKSHOP The first half of the presentation is a slide show demonstrating the development process in creating book covers for publishers. In the second half of the presentation the class gets to create their own book cover, with guidance and inspiration from myself, if needed. Grades 7 to college level: The art of writing a picture from an illustrator’s perspective. or The step-by-step process of illustrating a picture book.
Maximum group size for presentations: 45 for JK to 2, 100+ for everyone else Patricia is comfortable presenting in a classroom, library, auditorium or gymnasium.
Equipment required: Easel, flip chart, and coloured markers. and for the students if they are drawing: paper, pencils and erasers. A table at the front of the group in order to showcase books and art. Data or media projector and laptop for slide presentations, and a sound system or microphone for large group presentations.
A librarian, teacher or other school representative should be present throughout the presentation.
Water and lunch would be lovely for a full day presentation.
Email us to book Patricia: